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Cradle of Filth - Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa (Album)

29 октября 2010 г.
Жанр: Black Metal, Gothic Rock
1. The Cult of Venus Aversa (7:07)
2. One Foul Step From the Abyss (4:52)
3. The Nun With the Astral Habit (4:53)
4. Retreat of the Sacred Heart (3:54)
5. The Persecution Song (5:33)
6. Deceiving Eyes (6:43)
7. Lilith Immaculate (6:11)
8. The Spawn of Love and War (6:18)
9. Harlot on a Pedestal (5:07)
10. Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned) (4:31)
11. Beyond Eleventh Hour (7:16)

Bonus Disc

1. Beast of Extermination
2. Truth and Agony
3. Adest Rosa Secreta Eros
4. Mistress From the Sucking Pit
5. Behind the Jagged Mountains
6. The Cult of Venus Aversa (demo)
7. The Nun With the Astral Habit (demo)
8. Deceiving Eyes (demo)
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Рецензия: Wolfmother - Victorious
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