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Emperor - Live Inferno (Live)

20 апреля 2009 г.
Жанр: Black Metal

disc 1: Inferno Festival

1. Infinity Burning (medley) (5:43)
2. Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times (4:40)
3. Thus Spake the Nightspirit (4:45)
4. An Elegy of Icaros (6:23)
5. Curse You All Men! (5:06)
6. Wrath of the Tyrant (4:24)
7. With Strength I Burn (8:33)
8. Towards the Pantheon (5:39)
9. The Majesty of the Nightsky (4:48)
10. The Loss and Curse of Reverence (6:38)
11. In the Wordless Chamber (5:34)
12. Inno a Satana (4:58)
13. I Am the Black Wizards (5:38)
14. Ye Entrancemperium (5:43)
15. Opus a Satana (1:13)

disc 2: Wacken Open Air

1. Infinity Burning (medley) (5:58)
2. Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times (4:28)
3. Thus Spake the Nightspirit (4:45)
4. An Elegy of Icaros (6:11)
5. Curse You All Men! (5:17)
6. With Strength I Burn (8:29)
7. Towards the Pantheon (5:38)
8. The Majesty of the Nightsky (4:33)
9. The Loss and Curse of Reverence (6:41)
10. In the Wordless Chamber (5:53)
11. I Am the Black Wizards (6:03)
12. Inno a Satana (6:31)
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