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Bloodbound - Rise Of The Dragon Empire (Album)

20 марта 2019 г.
Жанр: Heavy Metal, Power Metal

Rise of the Dragon Empire

1. Rise of the Dragon Empire
2. Slayer of Kings
3. Skyriders and Stormbringers
4. Magical Eye
5. Blackwater Bay
6. Giants of Heaven
7. The Warlock's Trail
8. A Blessing in Sorcery
9. Breaking the Beast
10. Balerion
11. Reign of Fire

Live at Bang Your Head Festival 2017

1. Bloodtale
2. Battle in the Sky
3. Stand and Fight
4. In the Name of Metal
5. Stormborn
6. When All Lights Fail
7. Moria
8. Silver Wings
9. Dragons Are Forever
10. Nosferatu
11. Made of Steel
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Рецензия: Caliban - Ghost Empire
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