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Nightmare - One Night Of Insurrection (Live)

25 февраля 2011 г.
Жанр: Heavy Metal, Power Metal

Disc 1

1. Intro
2. Eternal Winter
3. White Wicked Demon
4. Heretic
5. Legions of the Rising Sun
6. Secret Rules
7. Queen of Love and Pain
8. Three Miles Island
9. Hallucinations
10. The Wind of Sin
11. Target for Revenge
12. The Gospel of Judas
13. Mind Matrix Schizophrenia
14. The Watchtower
15. Power of the Universe
16. Lord of the Sky
17. Trust a Crowd

Disc 2

1. Intro (1:49)
2. Eternal Winter (4:58)
3. White Wicked Demon (3:45)
4. Heretic (5:49)
5. Legions of the Rising Sun (5:19)
6. Secret Rules (4:58)
7. Queen of Love and Pain (4:03)
8. Three Miles Island (8:45)
9. Cosmovision (4:00)
10. The Wind of Sin (4:32)
11. Target for Revenge (6:22)
12. The Gospel of Judas (4:19)
13. The Watchtower (7:11)
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