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Onra - Chinoiseries (Part 2) (Album)

20 ноября 2011 г.
Жанр: Instrumental
1. The Arrival (1:05)
2. A New Dynasty (1:54)
3. It's All Memories (1:51)
4. Remember the Name (1:44)
5. Open the Door (1:44)
6. Gotta Go (1:43)
7. Mai's Theme (1:59)
8. Words of Encouragement (1:48)
9. Trapped (1:42)
10. One for the Wu (1:10)
11. No Matter What (2:05)
12. Meet the Queen (1:50)
13. Stay With Me (2:18)
14. Opium Delirium (1:28)
15. Cold Blooded (1:51)
16. Where I'm From (2:14)
17. Still Broke (1:58)
18. Snakes & Smoke (1:13)
19. Mai's Theme 2 (1:41)
20. Raw Shit (1:58)
21. Ms. Ho (1:57)
22. All Night (2:05)
23. In My Mind (2:10)
24. Hide and Seek (2:02)
25. Play the Game (1:19)
26. Warrior's Pride (1:56)
27. Like Father, Like Son (1:39)
28. Fight or Die (2:47)
29. Through the Flesh (1:37)
30. Tears of Joy (2:52)
31. They Got Breaks Two (1:19)
32. The End (1:34)
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Рецензия: Death Grips - Bottomless Pit
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