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Steve Jablonsky - Your Highness (Soundtrack)

5 апреля 2011 г.
Жанр: Soundtrack
1. Let Us Quest! (4:29)
2. Isabel the Strong (4:30)
3. Goodbye My Tinys (2:53)
4. Best Man (1:26)
5. The Greatest Most Beautifullest Love Song in All the Land (1:33)
6. The Virgin Is Plucked (3:04)
7. Not in My Castle (1:43)
8. Leezar's Date, Belladonna's Hate (1:21)
9. Playful Secrets! (1:52)
10. Mean Knights and Horsies O' My! (3:16)
11. Here Come the Marteetee (2:27)
12. A Fistful of Snakes (1:47)
13. Isabel Thrashes (2:36)
14. Muldiss Darton, City of Lore (1:39)
15. The Same Betrayal as Before (0:59)
16. Labyrinths and Humps (5:21)
17. Kill-Trophy and the Warrior's Birth (1:45)
18. The Effening (1:02)
19. Tis I, Thadeous the Hero (1:57)
20. Heroes Unite (1:05)
21. Orgy of Violence (6:35)
22. 'Til We Meet Again (1:50)
23. Way of the Warriors (1:11)
24. Thadeous (3:52)
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