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Michael Giacchino - Super 8 (Soundtrack)

2 августа 2011 г.
Жанр: Neo Classic, Soundtrack
1. Super 8 (1:44)
2. Family Matters (0:28)
3. Model Painting (0:39)
4. Acting Chops (0:40)
5. Aftermath Class (5:52)
6. Thoughts of Cubism (0:48)
7. We'll Fix It in Post-Haste (0:43)
8. Productions Woes (0:34)
9. Train of Thought (0:35)
10. Circle Gets the Cube (1:05)
11. Breen There, Ate That (1:11)
12. Dead Over Heels (0:48)
13. Gas and Go (1:33)
14. Looking for Lucy (0:48)
15. Radio Haze (1:06)
16. Mom's Necklace (1:33)
17. Shootus Interuptus (2:33)
18. Thoughts of Mom (1:40)
19. Woodward Bites It (1:53)
20. Alice Projects on Joe (2:28)
21. Neighborhood Watch - Fail (4:44)
22. The Evacuation of Lillian (3:39)
23. A Truckload of Trouble (0:57)
24. Lambs on the Lam (2:39)
25. Woodward's Home Movies (2:39)
26. Spotted Lambs (1:35)
27. Air Force HQ or Bust (1:03)
28. World's Worst Field Trip (3:35)
29. The Siege of Lillian (2:56)
30. Creature Comforts (10:07)
31. Letting Go (5:15)
32. Super 8 Suite (5:51)
33. The Case (Original Music From the Film by Charles Kaznyk) (3:28)
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