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Ennio Morricone - Morricone: Cinema Suites For Violin And Orchestra (Compilation)

14 января 2022 г.
Жанр: Neo Classic, Easy Listening, Soundtrack
1. Sergio Leone Suite: I. Deborah’s Theme (from “Once Upon a Time in America”) (3:08)
2. Sergio Leone Suite: II. Cockeye’s Song (from “Once Upon a Time in America”) (2:02)
3. Sergio Leone Suite: III. Main Theme (from “Once Upon a Time in America”) (1:39)
4. Sergio Leone Suite: IV. Main Theme (from “Once Upon a Time in the West”) (2:58)
5. Sergio Leone Suite: V. The Ecstasy of Gold (from “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”) (3:46)
6. Canone inverso: I. Canone inverso I e II (6:47)
7. Canone inverso: II. March (3:27)
8. Canone inverso: III. Finale interrotto (4:31)
9. Giuseppe Tornatore Suite: I. Playing Love (from “The Legend of 1900”) (1:59)
10. Giuseppe Tornatore Suite: II. Nostalgia (from “Cinema Paradiso”) (2:08)
11. Andrea Morricone - Giuseppe Tornatore Suite: III. Looking for You (Love Theme) (from “Cinema Paradiso”) (1:41)
12. Giuseppe Tornatore Suite: IV. Main Theme (from “Malèna”) (3:56)
13. Giuseppe Tornatore Suite: V. Main Theme (Remembering) (from “A Pure Formality”) (3:01)
14. The Mission: I. Gabriel’s Oboe (2:10)
15. The Mission: II. The Falls (3:14)
16. Brian De Palma Suite: I. Main Theme (from “Casualties of War”) (3:31)
17. Brian De Palma Suite: II. Death Theme (from “The Untouchables”) (3:25)
18. Moses and Marco Polo Suite: I. Journey (from “Moses”) (2:38)
19. Moses and Marco Polo Suite: II. Theme (from “Moses”) (1:49)
20. Moses and Marco Polo Suite: III. Main Theme (from “Marco Polo”) (3:37)
21. Per le antiche scale (from the Bolognini movie) (2:22)
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