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Freakangel - Faults Of Humanity (Bonus CD) (Remixes)

1 июня 2010 г.
Жанр: EBM, Industrial
1. Together Against It (Psy'Aviah Rendition) (3:47)
2. The Last White Dance (AD Inferna remix) (5:38)
3. Crawling in the Dark (C-Lekktor remix) (5:00)
4. My Darling Bullet (Angels on Acid remix) (4:49)
5. Together Against It (Shiv-R remix) (5:11)
6. The Last White Dance (Gothika remix) (5:18)
7. Crawling in the Dark (Dolls of Pain remix) (5:38)
8. My Darling Bullet (Mommy Hurt My Head remix) (4:22)
9. Together Against It (The Twilight Garden remix) (6:39)
10. The Last White Dance (Centhron remix) (3:19)
11. Crawling in the Dark (Kant Kino remix) (4:02)
12. My Darling Bullet (2 Bullet remix) (4:30)
13. Together Against It (De-Source remix) (5:27)
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